When I receive a resume from someone, one of the first things I do is to look at the candidates’ job movement. I want to establish if this candidate has […]
Do I take the Offer or Continue to Interview?
“Well maybe I shouldn’t take this offer because after all, it is my first interview.” If I had a nickel every time someone said that but then again a nickel’s […]
How to Stay Positive when Searching for a Job.
If you are experiencing rejection during the interview process, you are not alone. In this economy many are experiencing something that is a new phenomenon. The days of interviewing at […]
Tips on Big Company to Small Company
More and more job candidates are telling me they want to leave their big company and go work for a small company. I always ask “Why do you want to […]
Thank You Letters Could Be Your Biggest Nightmare!
The easiest part of the interview process is the Thank You letter. Yet it has once again been the kiss of death for one of our job candidates. This is […]
Some HR Personnel Should Be Embarrassed.
I must say in the past few weeks I have spoken with some truly outstanding HR Personnel. Some internal recruiters working to fill roles for their hiring managers understand the […]
Motivating Yourself When Your Job Sucks!
This is a bad time if you are someone who’s Monday’s are without question the worst day of the week, and every Sunday night you feel sick. If you are […]
Fruitless Search.
I just read an article in my local paper called “Jobless Recovery, Fruitless Search”. I would like to point out a few things about this article since many of you […]
Criticism Friend or Foe?
Are you the type of person that is attracted to people who are extremely nice? Do you find yourself gravitating towards people that tend to agree and think the way […]
HR Personnel Have It Right!
With unemployment reaching over 10% in some parts of the country, hiring managers are becoming very picky on choosing a candidate. What is happening is that jobs are going unfilled […]