I just read an article in my local paper called “Jobless Recovery, Fruitless Search”.  I would like to point out a few things about this article since many of you are getting the same results.

Perhaps you might want to start thinking out of the box regarding some different types of approaches in your job search.  I had the website MyJOBCAST.com made specifically for this purpose.  Our goal was to show hiring managers something different to look at rather than the typical resume.  See if you can find a recruiter that will work with you.  Network until the cows come home.  Perhaps submitting an additional 50 resumes instead of calling it quits after the first 50 might be the answer.  Customize your resume for each position you are applying for is important.  Thinking and believing that the government is going to help is not the answer.  It’s not the government’s job to help you even though they want you to think it is.

This is why planning and goal setting is so critical for you to teach your children.  The college degree they decide to pursue is vitally important to their future.  Getting a degree in something they “want to” versus something that will help them get a job is paramount.  It amazes me when conversing with someone who tells me that their son or daughter is having a tough time finding a job out of college.  My first question to them is what did they take in school?  When they respond with something like “Golf Course Management” I wonder who advised them to follow that dream?  And for you parents who don’t parent, plan to have your children living with you for a while because they won’t be able to afford to live on their own!

I don’t believe leaving the greatest country in the world is not the answer either.  To me that’s like saying, “Well now that I have lung cancer I’m going to start smoking!”  What we need to do is to get people to understand that the government cannot create anything but a mess and they do it with our dollars.  Taking money from me and you and then giving it to “Joe” isn’t the answer either.  We need the government to protect our borders and to allow us and the free enterprise system to work its magic.  And when the government does have a job to do like over-sight for companies like Bernie Madoff’s, then they should do their job.  I believe that the people in the SEC who where assigned to his company should also be in jail.  Instead, what this government is trying to do is to convince everyone that free capital markets is a bad thing.  So their answer is to  increase regulations and over-sight and to do this is to raise our taxes. The real crime  is that our tax dollars once again went to inadequate people with zero accountability.

My heart goes out to anyone that is having a tough time finding a job and making ends meet.  Perhaps a finance degree is in the future for all of our kids so that they can figure out how to live on less money.  Sorry for the reality check but  CHANGE is coming.