Are you the type of person that is attracted to people who are extremely nice?  Do you find yourself gravitating towards people that tend to agree and think the way you do?  Are you afraid of strong personalities?  Do opposites really attract?  Success in life can really depend on how you answer these questions.

Your strengths will only take you as far as your weakness will allow.  Its like the chain is only as strong as the weakest link.  The same thing is true about us as people.  When it comes to you and your career one must spend more time developing your weaknesses in order to become a stronger employee or a business owner.

When I first started out in business I was extremely hungry for criticism.  Whether it came from a guy who knew a guy who had a brother… which I’m not suggesting is a good idea.  Be careful who you listen to but for me I didn’t need praises or comments that were geared to make me feel good.  The warm and fuzzies have never been part of my makeup simply because It doesn’t offer me anything.  I was more interested in why people failed so that I wouldn’t repeat it.

What is a tremendous help is when someone is honest with you.  Pick one of my recruiters Tara LeFevre, Tim Peters or Bryant Madore and let me tell you that they will educate you with the facts that will help you in your search.  Some job candidates talk way too much for example and we must let them know.  Sometimes you need to have the guts to say “Hey Joe is that your breath I smell or is there a turd stuck up in my nose?”  Gosh Jeff that’s not what someone should say!  Well I know that but perhaps suggesting a mint might help.  The only problem is if they don’t take the mint.  So if someone ever says to you “hey would you like a mint” to avoid further embarrassment say “sure!”   I think its wrong not to tell someone the truth.  How can you allow someone to go around with breath like that?  Terrible!  Just terrible! is a system that is set up to get the feedback that you won’t get when trying to find a job on your own.  With a feedback system built in, hiring managers are answering a questionnaire about how you did on the interview good or bad.  Getting this information from hiring mangers is a huge plus for job candidates.

Helping out our clients is sometimes hard to do but we need to do it.  Your not helping yourself or your client by not educating them about their process in respect to the market.  You need to explain to them the realities of what you are seeing on a day to day basis.  Some markets favor the job candidates and when you delay the process or can’t decide to hire a particular candidate you will probably lose that candidate to another company.  Today with higher unemployment clients feel that they can delay and be extremely choosy about pulling the trigger, but what we are seeing is that there are good candidates out there and they are getting offers quicker than some expect.  The point I want to make is that when you see a job candidate that can do the job and is a good fit then hire them or risk losing them.  Now I know what your thinking is that I’m a recruiter and I want to make placements.  True but the facts are still the facts and what ends up happening is that I have to take the blame for it when my client finds out that “JOE” candidate has just taken another job.