If you are experiencing rejection during the interview process, you are not alone. In this economy many are experiencing something that is a new phenomenon. The days of interviewing at 2 companies and receiving 3 offers are long gone, for now. There is one thing that might help you which has always helped me and that’s reading.
If you are experiencing rejection, how are you coping with it? Does your current job have you depressed and your options of leaving are slim to none? Are you currently a big reader? I would suggest if you find that your attitude is up and down then reading certain books will help you. Of course you know that I don’t mean romance novels:)!
When I first started out in sales I was not a big reader. The problem for me was that I was experiencing something new in my career, failure. We all have experienced failure but what was different to me was in sales when you failed you don’t get paid! WOW! This was unlike anything that I had ever experienced. I’d failed in sports and that never seemed to bother me like this. I was never a poor sport about losing and I am a fiercely competitive person.
Someone suggested Self Help Books to me. Self help books? What are they? After reading a couple of them I noticed that I couldn’t get enough of them. My attitude and confidence drastically changed for the better. I was a new person. Confidence in yourself is something you need to have in order to succeed. I tell sales people all the time “Every time you fail places you closer to your next win.” Reading helps you cope with the failure and let’s you understand it’s just a process that you must go through.
Reading will help you in all parts of your life, but when it comes to the job market perhaps investing in some books may make a difference in how you interview. Remember, the first impression is the most important. That eye contact and firm handshake with confidence goes a long way.
Some books you may want to try:
1) The Magic Of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D.
2) Law Of Success by Napoleon Hill
3) How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
4) Peak Performance Principles for High Achievers by John R. Noe
These books made a big difference for me. You might also want to try other books of inspiration, but what really helps is that you understand that you are great just how you are! I needed to read that to understand that.