Are You Media Social?

Many people don’t realize how different the job search of today is from the job search of not even a few years ago.   Many others find it difficult to learn […]

The Landing Expert Principles

I am a practicing career coach and have noticed that in most cases, I guide my clients through 10 certain deeply held beliefs of mine that have evolved over my […]

Can Body Language Be Learned?

Ten minutes after I meet with a coaching client for the first time, the client is facing my video camera for 60 to 90 seconds. Then we watch the video […]

Why Are Interviewers So Selective?

Unlike past scenarios, job interviews have become harder and harder. Employers have an abundance of very qualified applicants, many of them working with interview coaches to elevate their interviewing skills. […]

paralyzed by the need to be perfect?

Perfection is an overrated concept.  Even those who know it’s unattainable try for it when they interview.   What’s the result?  Nervousness.  For example, fear you won’t be liked.  Fear you’ll […]

how to write a thank you letter

Sending a thank you letter is as important as interview preparation.  But they’re tough to write, so people either tell themselves that not sending one doesn’t matter, or they procrastinate […]
