Most if not all job seekers reach at some point a heightened level of frustration with their job search process. It’s easy to understand, and it might be justifiable to […]
The Interview: Why Wasn’t I Chosen
From the interviewer’s vantage point, the selection process is about availability and choices. That principle applies to many things the rest of us do, too, throughout the day. For instance, […]
Communication While in Transition
Disclaimer: My professional background is not in the field of communication, but I still have some opinions. Certainly, the cliché “It’s not what you know but whom you know” is […]
How to Deal with Your Stress While in Transition
Physicians and psychiatrists have proved that there is a positive correlation between stress and illness. People in transition experience various and variable levels of stress. And such stress is not […]
Can’t Find a Job? Do You Know Why?
Growth, evolution, changes. Technology may be a wonderful thing, but it has negative elements—especially if you’re in transition and looking for a job. Why? Perhaps you don’t know how to […]
How to Benefit from the Positive Job Market Outlook
Based on a recent survey by economists, the job market outlook is projecting steady growth in employment. Recruiting consultant CareerXroads reports that new companies find 28 percent of their hires […]
The Art and Science of the Face-to-Face Interview
Consider yourself very lucky for being considered for a face-to-face interview. It just means that you survived the first phase of the competition; your résumé projected you as someone deserving […]
Conventional or Behavior-Based Interviewing?
A job interview has been scheduled for you, but do you know what types of questions you’ll have to answer? This is the dilemma most candidates face. Don’t panic. You […]
How to Shorten Your Job Search
People in transition know that finding a new, suitable job is a process—and most often, an unpleasant and lengthy one. While this is true in most cases, it doesn’t have […]
Too Old to Be Hired?
The law says employers are not permitted to discriminate because they deem someone too old, yet employers do so every single day. How can they get away with it? The […]