The title of this article applies both to those who already have jobs and to others who vie for jobs. So, let’s think first about what it takes to hold […]
If There’s No Work, What to Do Next?
Today’s weak economy has changed the psychology of hiring. During past weak economic times, companies might hire temps, and once the economy gained strength permanent hiring ensued. We have not […]
Confronting Aging and Work-Related Issues
Asked to leave or fired: it really doesn’t matter what you call it. Come Monday morning, and there’s no place to go to work. Many people face that predicament, and […]
Confidence: feel it, fake it, or………..flub it
This confidence game isn’t the same as the scam. This one applies to those who have been hunting with no results and are becoming discouraged. Rapidly. Let’s go back to […]
What the Interviewer Wants to Know about You
Interviewers have a specific function to perform. They need to go through a selection process that identifies which one of the candidates called in for interviewing is the best one. […]
No MBA? No Problem
Once upon a time, a high school diploma was enough to get a good executive job. Today, the quality of the MBA degree itself has become determinative. Current expectation is […]
free teleseminar tonight: how to avoid having your bad credit = a lost job offer!
More and more companies are requiring credit checks prior to extending an offer. If you’re having trouble paying your bills and your credit is bad or going downhill, you need […]
What is YOUR Plan B?
After being in the recruiting business for over 12 years now it amazes me still to this day that job candidates do not have a “Plan B”. What is […]
You Would Expect Executives to Know
In America, people are generally very busy—especially higher-ups—and many of them are good at what they’re doing. You might expect they’d continue being good at it even after losing their […]
How an Informational Interview Can Lead to a Job
The real danger hovering over the heads of some people in transition is the fact that they’re headed toward a cul-de-sac and don’t even know it. More and more articles […]