After being in the recruiting business for over 12 years now it amazes me still to this day that job candidates do not have a “Plan B”. What is a “Plan B”? A “Plan B” is that thing you do outside your day job to build your future. A job to me has always been that thing that pays the bills so that I could build my dream at night. It was always a side business that over time replaced my day job. I learned early on that all jobs end and not by choice. In today’s economy you can no longer stick your head in the sand and think that you are not going to be let go. You can not longer wait for things to turn around. I know it only happens to the other guy but one day you will be the other guy. If I had a nickle for every time a job candidate told me that they never saw it coming! This is the some of the looks that has been reported to me when someone has been let go. Enjoy and have a great weekend!