More and more companies are requiring credit checks prior to extending an offer. If you’re having trouble paying your bills and your credit is bad or going downhill, you need to attend this free teleseminar this evening (Thursday, Oct 12, 8 pm eastern) and learn what you can do to take control of the problem.
You don’t think anything can be done? Are you wondering what difference does it make because you can’t pay your bills anyway? It’s not all about money. Is less worry worth an hour of your time? Then get on this teleseminar tonight and take control of your credit and your career!
Gerri Detweiler has been a credit expert for 20 years. She’s an international speaker, has been interviewed over 3,000 times and has testified before Congress.
Go here for more info on Gerri, the teleseminar, and to register for this free teleseminar. Take action and improve what you can!