So, what is career coaching? Many people nowadays use the term career coaching, but they’re not sure they understand its meaning or whether they’re using it in the right context. […]
Jobs Jobs and more Jobs!
JTL Services, Inc. has been getting hammered with new jobs so far this year. If you or someone you know is looking for a new position, I will list a […]
Can Body Language Be Learned?
Ten minutes after I meet with a coaching client for the first time, the client is facing my video camera for 60 to 90 seconds. Then we watch the video […]
How the Illogical Process of Hiring Can Help YOU
So, finally, you receive a call to schedule an interview. All your efforts have paid off. A person calls you to schedule another interview. This is a huge compliment! You […]
The Trauma of Unemployment
The emotional stress associated with unemployment is understood only by those who are unemployed. Often, even people closely associated with the unemployed such as spouses or other family members don’t […]
Stupid is what stupid asks!
Have you been asked any odd questions during a recent interview? How about this one “If you were a color what color would you be?” How about “If you were […]
Is Fear a Part of Your Professional Life?
During my work with job seekers or those contemplating a job/career change, I evaluate the amount of fear that drives—or paralyzes—my clients. To some extent, all of them exhibit fear […]
How to Choose a Career Coach
I am a practicing career coach, and at every year-end, I summarize my annual accomplishments as measured by how many people I helped and what percentage of them landed. In […]
So Tell Me, What Are Your Weaknesses?
This is one of the most dreaded interview questions, but if you understand the reason interviewers ask it and what they’re looking to uncover, you’ll see that you can certainly […]
Are you just looking for a job, or do you have a campaign going?
No one needs to reiterate that today’s is a difficult job market that is unprecedented in recent times or that regrettably, many people are looking for jobs for extended amounts […]