Have you been asked any odd questions during a recent interview? How about this one “If you were a color what color would you be?” How about “If you were a superhero which one would you most resemble?”
I know you’re thinking, what the hell does this have to do with the job I am interviewing for? Am I going to clash with the color on the walls of my office? Are you thinking perhaps my body is not worthy of the tights that I have to wear?
Questions like this are being asked more and more. My best guess is that some HR Brainiac came up with the theory that these types of questions give better insight on a job candidate’s ability to perform. Perhaps it was just a good idea to sell a book.
Instead of these types of questions perhaps you might want to substitute them for some of these:
1) How often do you have to pee during normal work hours?
2) Are you married and if so are you open to an affair?
3) After you close a deal are you open to yell out “touch down for Jesus?”
Whatever questions that you might be asked whether dumb or valid, just don’t act shocked or surprised. Answer them the best you can with the upmost professionalism and with a smile of course!