Introducing the resume of the future

The world is dynamic, the career landscape is shifting, employers are partial to fluidity, peers want versatility, managers want resilience, clients want flexibility and yet the representation of your vocational […]

Don't Give in to the Desire to Confide

If you’ve ever been in a bad job situation, you have no desire to repeat it.  And that’s understandable. However, you don’t want to ever, ever—and I mean NEVER—discuss it […]

Don't be SHY in a Job Interview!

Many people get very self-conscious when asked in an interview about their greatest strengths.  But if you were an interviewer, and were trying to decide between a host of qualified, […]

Using Common Sense Online

70% of employers have made negative hiring decisions based on online information! Hello Readers! Yesterday was the 4th annual Data Privacy Day and of course there was a plethora of […]

Facebook and Twitter for Job Search

Are you using social networking sites to launch a full scale job search? If you are, you are on to something. According to a CareerBuilder survey 45% of employers are […]

Best Practice for Interviewing

My favorite, all-time best practice for interviewing is by far the most effective. I literally came upon this approach by accident (I am not kidding). A few years ago, I […]
