There are a few basics that every person who’s preparing for or facing a job interview should know. A job interview is not an interrogation or an investigation. You are […]
By using professionals when in job search can speed up your process
A recent visit to a public restroom made me smile. I was hoping nobody saw me smiling, but it was quite humorous. In this recently remodeled restroom, everything was automated. […]
Ways to Get Help While in Transition
The first question is, Why do you need help to start with? After all, in the past, you were always able to find jobs. Well, today things are different. There […]
When Will Your Career End?
If you are one of the fortunate ones that still is working today where and when will it end? That’s the million dollar question everyone needs to ask. The way […]
It’s Counterintuitive for Job Seekers
It would be interesting to review a few perceptions that job seekers have on issues stemming from feelings rather than from thinking. Such perceptions are based more on gut feelings […]
Professionally Edited Résumé Adds Huge Value
There are two steps to take before you’ll get that job offer. The first is to create a résumé. An attractive and intriguing résumé will generate an invitation for an […]
How to Prepare for a Job Interview
A job interview is the final step before getting the job. It’s the most critical step because if the candidate does not convince the decision maker of being the ideal […]
Why Are Interviewers So Selective?
Unlike past scenarios, job interviews have become harder and harder. Employers have an abundance of very qualified applicants, many of them working with interview coaches to elevate their interviewing skills. […]
Résumé Keywords Are the Keys to Be Found
Most of the résumés employers receive either as hard copies or that are uploaded electronically reside in databases. If those databases were in graphic form, each résumé would resemble a […]
The Interview Process Needs to Be Understood
Many interviewers don’t know how to interview, and the majority of candidates are not sufficiently prepared for the test. Because that situation is a given, a candidate can improve the […]