How honest should you be when you’re interviewing? Unequivocally one hundred percent honest. But don’t confuse honesty with showing all your cards or not utilizing the power of presentation. Nor […]
Jobs brewing slowly, but surely?
Are we slowly but surely crawling our way back to economic prosperity? We can at least hope so! Well, they say the recession was (technically) over. Yeah OK! Reminds me […]
Never Let Your Guard Down!
Today, no job is really so safe that we can let our guard down. That’s not to say that you should develop a paranoia about your current job, should you be so fortunate to have one. However, you should always be prepared, if ever the need surfaces.
The Relocated Spouse
I received this question from one of our readers in regards to the relocated spouse. What if your husband or wife got relocated to a new City and State? What […]
what to do with bad interviewers
The only thing that might be more difficult to deal with than an interviewer who asks tough, probing questions is an interviewer who hasn’t a clue how to interview. You […]
paralyzed by the need to be perfect?
Perfection is an overrated concept. Even those who know it’s unattainable try for it when they interview. What’s the result? Nervousness. For example, fear you won’t be liked. Fear you’ll […]
Winning Strategies for Employment: Reference Preparation
You’ve been through a series of grueling interviews and made it to the final cut. All that stands between you and the job you really want and need is a […]
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Get a Job
Networking skills are essential if you are looking for a job
Feeling Good Is a Relative State of Mind
Relatively speaking people feel good — look elsewhere what misery really is
Beware of Career Marketing Firms
Career marketing forms are expensive and often questionable. Look for the right career coach for you which is probably at 50 to 70% discounted from the career marketing firms