Jeff just did two excellent posts on resume movement, that is, when your resume, prior to this recession, makes it seems as if you switch companies with a change of the wind. He notes:
They want to make sure if they invest in you that you are going to stay with them and not split for the next passing ship.
How do you convince them you’re going to stick around? For that matter, how do you know you’re going to stick around?
That “any job” thing is characteristic of what I call a Job Chameleon, and it’s not impressive. Even in mild form, it leads to being the bridesmaid and never the bride. If you’ve had a few interviews but no offers, the problem is with your interviewing skills and here’s a prime piece of that.
You may think you know what you want, but most seem not to, at least not on the level of detail to serve you or your employer long term. You need to be looking for the company that’s looking for you. That’s “the company” not “a company.”
Who has given thought to the profile of the company in which they work best? Let’s start with size. What’s small? 20 people? 2,000 people? A branch of a world wide organization? What’s huge? National? Regional? Depends on what you’re comparing it to.
What about growth? Do you get bored easily and need mental growth and daily challenges? Or are you comfortable with routine, but you want to move up the ladder in a solid, steadily growing company? Or is it maybe that you like a combo and most important to you perhaps is new challenges and growing up the ladder in title?
Lots of job seekers look for a “people oriented” company. Most companies consider themselves people oriented. Most people consider themselves “people oriented”!
In companies, there’s likely to be a significant difference of opinion on what “people oriented” means, depending on who you ask: senior management, staff, customers, or other businesses with whom they interact; depending on whether they like their job; depending on what kind of day they’re having…..or depending on if they have to put on a face to interview you.
Some look for the “right opportunity.” How is that defined? That could be anything relative to whatever company you are interviewing with – usually clarified by something you didn’t like. But it needs to be defined by the positive – not the negative. Too far to commute? Not “the right opportunity.” Base salary too low? Not “the right opportunity.” Too much travel? Not “the right opportunity.”
- What about company culture?
- The location relative to commute time?
- The chemistry between you and the others – individually and collectively?
- What motivates you?
- Under what management style to work best?
When you’ve examined ALL your previous jobs and identified – in depth – these points (at a minimum) you ask sensible questions that provide you with specific information. You stop jumping automatically through every hoop. You, as an interviewee, get respect.
You’re able to say to the company with whom you’re interviewing, “Yes, I’ve had a lot of jobs, that’s why I’ve given so much thought to my next one.” You’re able to communicate through dialogue, and Q & A what kind of company you want; what kind of company will benefit from employing you.
You’re less likely to end up in a place where 3 months later, you hate what you’re doing and have to stick it out. More than that, the company knows that when they fit that profile, you’ll be sticking around.
Judi Perkin, the How To Career Coach, is the founder of Find the Perfect Job. Previously she was a recruiter for 22 years, and has seen over 500,000 resumes and partnered with hundreds of hiring authorities. She now teaches seekers HOW TO find their perfect job by understanding the techniques and the psychology of the process.
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