Growth, evolution, changes. Technology may be a wonderful thing, but it has negative elements—especially if you’re in transition and looking for a job. Why? Perhaps you don’t know how to […]
Eye-Catching Resumes
Let me start by saying that unless you’re applying for a graphic designing job, making your resume look fancy ensures that the only thing catching your resume will be the […]
A guaranteed tactic to ensure that your resume will not be looked at!
I see it all the time and wonder if some people are totally clueless when it comes to putting a resume together. Possibly they have been at one job for […]
Information Overload for People in Transition
Just two decades ago, finding a suitable job was simplistic. People wrote their own résumés, had them edited by trusted friends, and walked into the interview with confidence about having […]
5 Tips for Writing a Compelling Digital Resume
With employers getting smarter, your resume should not just be about impressing the hiring manager. You resume should be such that a computer can also read it. This is the […]
Why Are Interviewers So Selective?
Unlike past scenarios, job interviews have become harder and harder. Employers have an abundance of very qualified applicants, many of them working with interview coaches to elevate their interviewing skills. […]
echoing and adding to 10 resume mistakes you don't want on your resume
I LOVE THE BELOW ARTICLE! Anyone else talk to themself besides me? I also talk to my computer screen. During the 22 years I was a recruiter, and the 2.5 years I’ve […]
how to job hunt productively in a down market
The market is down, foreclosures are up, your bank account is emptying, and you’re becoming increasingly desperate. With fewer companies hiring and more people competing for the same spots, your […]
What your resume MUST HAVE to make it effective
You feel like you’re submitting your resume to every possible job under the sun, but you just can’t get any traction. In the back of your mind is this nagging […]
Hiding your age on your resume is a waste of time.
Today more and more resumes I receive have one major flaw. One that I would like to discuss which happens to be the topic of age. Who out there is […]