Using SEO to raise your LinkedIn profile ranking.
Prepare to be interrogated
Are you ready for your closeup? Do you understand STAR power? Yes, I’m talking about behavior-based interviews, my all-time personal bane as a job seeker and maybe yours, too. These […]
Words to banish from your résumé
Or how not to brand yourself a dinosaur There’s just no substitute for plain old experience, I grant you that. It’s safe to say we are all experienced. It’s when […]
2010 is dawning: Shave years off your life
Your New Year’s resolution Don’ts When it comes to defending against ageism in the workplace—in particular, inviting unwanted attention to your possibly advanced years—here are some resolutions you can make […]
Knowing when a recruiter's just blowin' smoke
Whenever we start to get desperate, we job seekers often dig ourselves ever deeper into the trench of despond. Then the phone unexpectedly rings and a friendly, chipper voice on […]