Your chances for getting a job are good,..provided that you have an excellent resume and well developed interviewing skills
Common Job Search Mistakes
Many job search candidates spend innumerable hours pursuing employment opportunities; yet many do not achieve the desired results. Having worked with thousands of people trying to obtain positions of increased […]
Endear Yourself to the Buyer
Since the hiring manager does not know you it behooves you to make every effort to impress him. Here is how.
While in Transition, Are You Keeping Pace with Technology?
Technology is evolving fast. Are you keeping pace? At the very least stay on top of social media.
Tapping into the Hidden job Market
It is a well known fact that using job boards exclusively as you conduct a job search will leave you confounded and frustrated. Sure you might be qualified for the […]
Why Don’t You Understand Your Compensation?
Get help for the most important – $$$ in your salary negotiation. Understand the entire compensation package and not only the salary.
Evaluating Job Offers
At some point, each one of you will have the opportunity to evaluate a job offer. It will be a blissful, exciting and nerve racking day. You’ll get the call […]
How to Introduce Yourself at Parties
I momentarily thought about titling this article “Constructing Your Elevator Speech”, but I’ve heard that term so many times I could just scream. What everyone really wants to know is […]
Your Resume: Your Marketing and Sales Pitch
Have you ever walked into a retail store with the intention of ‘just browsing’? Really, you do not need anything; you are just window shopping, passing the time. Suddenly, a […]
Help on finding a Job? Here it is!
Today more than ever, finding a job is harder than you think. Finding the right information about the “HOW TO’s” is even harder. My question to you is how do […]