Bloggers Wanted!

I am looking for people who would like to blog on our site. Our goal is to make the best site possible to assist people in their job search. I […]

Movement On Your Resume.

I would have to say one of the biggest  problems that job candidates have today is movement on their resume.   Regardless to what skills you possess, or the fact that […]

FREE Help in finding a Job

If you live in the Raleigh area and are looking for help in landing a job, I want to help you.  I am looking for 3 individuals that I will […]

Is your Boss a Jerk?

Perhaps I should have titled this “Are You a Boss?” and backed into if you’re a jerk or not.  Whatever the case may be, if you do have a boss […]

Career Coach or Opportunist?

I know I just wrote an article not too long ago titled “Someone wants to charge you money for a job?  Are you Crazy?” about the rise in numbers of […]

How to Quit your Job

People are still doing it today if you can believe it. Giving notice because they found perhaps a better opportunity. There is a professional way to give notice and one […]
