If you are one of the fortunate ones that still is working today where and when will it end? That’s the million dollar question everyone needs to ask. The way […]
How to Prepare for a Job Interview
A job interview is the final step before getting the job. It’s the most critical step because if the candidate does not convince the decision maker of being the ideal […]
H1B’s and Non-Green Card Holders Wanted
Have you ever seen “H1B’s and Non-Green Card holders wanted” in an ad? I have not but what I have seen is the opposite being stated. What I usually see […]
Preparing for a Job Interview
A first impression is a big part of the interview process and probably more than most people think. Everyone gets a first impression when meeting someone and I guarantee you […]
The first question you should ask during an interview.
After introductions and small talk this would be the time to ask a question to start the interview on the right foot. Say it in your own words but this […]
$1,000.00 Referral Fee!
The search for Engineers is on. Over the past several months we have seen the need for Engineers growing all across the country. We have been engaged by a dozen […]
Spamming Hiring Managers
Who thinks sending out your resume to a list of hiring managers is a good idea? Has that ever worked before and if so who is the lucky person? Everyone […]
The Relocated Spouse
I received this question from one of our readers in regards to the relocated spouse. What if your husband or wife got relocated to a new City and State? What […]
Critical Steps in Your Career Transition
One of the toughest challenges job seekers face is figuring out how to make a career transition. Sometimes transition is forced; maybe jobs in your industry or area are dwindling. […]
Are you getting paid as a 1099 Contractor?
Today more and more companies are paying people as a private contractor to save on payroll taxes. If you are being compensated this way and you are showing up on […]