Piggybacking on our last blog’s topic of interview preparation, I’d like to write a little bit about being nervous on an interview. This week, I had the pleasure of working […]
The Art of the Phone Interview
What comes to mind when you think about a phone interview? For most people, the image of just a guy at home sitting at his desk, with his top half […]
Questioning The Interviewer!
Picture yourself getting ready for your first ever grown-up job interview. You’re in your late teens or early twenties, you’ve got some college experience under your belt, and you’re wearing […]
How Your Sock Choice Determines First Impressions on an Interview
We’ve recently seen an increasing trend in today’s popular media: the rise of the so-called “crazy socks.” With the tech giants in Silicon Valley taking a more laid back approach […]
How to Improve Your Skype Job Interview
An additional burden has been imposed lately on job candidates because more and more companies are trying to save money by resorting to Skype or video interviewing. As if it’s […]
The Psychology of the Job Interview
Very few people say they genuinely enjoy job interviews. That makes sense because in the same way that most people dislike taking tests, a job interview is a test. Even […]
Is Your Job Search Progressing Satisfactorily?
Most people complain that their job search has been excessively prolonged. The average or mean time that a person is looking for work is meaningless to a job search, giving […]
Conventional or Behavior-Based Interviewing?
A job interview has been scheduled for you, but do you know what types of questions you’ll have to answer? This is the dilemma most candidates face. Don’t panic. You […]
3 Basics of Expat Tax Laws That You Must Keep In Mind
Working in some other country when you’re an American citizen can be a tricky situation, especially when it comes to the making tax payment in a foreign land. Well no […]
Employers Hire the Best: Is That You?
No employer is seeking to hire Mr. Average. All employers seek the exceptional and the very best. But how do you convince them that you are the ideal candidate? And […]