No employer is seeking to hire Mr. Average. All employers seek the exceptional and the very best. But how do you convince them that you are the ideal candidate? And […]
Too Old to Be Hired?
The law says employers are not permitted to discriminate because they deem someone too old, yet employers do so every single day. How can they get away with it? The […]
In Transition: So What’s Your Brand?
More than ever, when you are in transition you should have a brand. Why? you ask. Because that is how you differentiate yourself and stand out from the proverbial crowd. […]
How Hiring Decisions Are Made
Years ago, I had a large office in the Wall Street area with a personal secretary screening my phone calls, opening mail, taking dictation, and managing my calendar. Since then […]
The Landing Expert Principles
I am a practicing career coach and have noticed that in most cases, I guide my clients through 10 certain deeply held beliefs of mine that have evolved over my […]
Do You Want a Job or the Right Job?
As a career coach, I talk mostly with two kinds of people: employed or in transition to another job. Sadly, people in both groups have one thing in common: most […]
The Cost and Benefits of Career Coaching
So, what is career coaching? Many people nowadays use the term career coaching, but they’re not sure they understand its meaning or whether they’re using it in the right context. […]
Can Body Language Be Learned?
Ten minutes after I meet with a coaching client for the first time, the client is facing my video camera for 60 to 90 seconds. Then we watch the video […]
How the Illogical Process of Hiring Can Help YOU
So, finally, you receive a call to schedule an interview. All your efforts have paid off. A person calls you to schedule another interview. This is a huge compliment! You […]
Confidence: feel it, fake it, or………..flub it
This confidence game isn’t the same as the scam. This one applies to those who have been hunting with no results and are becoming discouraged. Rapidly. Let’s go back to […]