What social networking information should be contained on your résumé? Do you reference your LinkedIn address? What about Twitter and Facebook? Do you have a major presence on one or all of these? How about the myriad other, albeit smaller players in the space? For what it’s worth, here’s my two cents on what should be referenced on your 2.0 résumé:
Referencing your LinkedIn address at the top of your résumé is a good idea. For those inclined, they will connect to you and also obtain additional information regarding your background while learning about your extended connections. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, and LinkedIn is a great way to leverage your professional connections. It also demonstrates your ability to engage with others, particularly from a business perspective if you post information and participate in discussions on the site.
What about Twitter? That is a bit different. You can certainly reference your Twitter address; due to the flurry of information that flows therein, and the 140 character limit you should not just post a Twitter address. I recommend referencing something specific on the résumé with respect to this. Consider adding not only your Twitter name but also some information regarding the types of things you post about. You can include this under an Additional Experience header at the bottom of the page. If you write a blog or several blogs for different sites, consider listing that as well, with some detailed 411 about your posts. You might even create a link in the event someone wants to read something you have written.
Where does Facebook fit in? If you are using Facebook to reconnect with old friends, share pictures of your family, including the one with little Suzie baking a cake with Grandma Rose, leave it off. A résumé is not the place for this type of personal interaction. I have found that Facebook is more social than professional, and would therefore stick to things on the résumé that are indicative of how you tie social media to your professional life.
There are many other social networking sites out there. Since you cannot reference all of them, choose those where you are most active; provide some data on the résumé to let the reader know that you have an understanding of these tools and use them to share information with a larger community.
A résumé does not just have to present a reverse chronological listing of your job history. It should serve as an engaging tool to allow a potential hiring manager the opportunity to learn about what makes you unique as a candidate.
The bottom line: if you are using social networking sites to promote your professional life, then by all means include information on the résumé. If you are using the sites to engage with friends and loved ones, the résumé is not the place to do that.
Comments and feedback are requested and desired; and you are welcome and encouraged to submit questions to thecareerdoctor.
Debra Wheatman, CPRW, CPCC is the founder and Chief Career Strategist of CareersDoneWrite, a premier career services provider focused on developing highly personalized career roadmaps for senior leaders and executives across all verticals and industries.
Debra can be reached at –
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