Today more and more companies have added phone screens to their interviewing process. Sometimes even as many as 2 or 3 calls prior to an on-sight interview is a requirement. Don’t be taken back by this just understand what you need to do. With less staff and a large work load clients are extremely tight with their schedules.
Back when the market was “normal” if we were to get a phone interview for one of our job candidates it was as exciting as kissing your sister. We wouldn’t even count that as a send out because your client didn’t have confidence that your candidate was a good match. That is why as a recruiter it is extremely important to know your candidates and never over sell someone that doesn’t meet the high standards of what your client is looking for.
The biggest thing to understand is that a phone screen is a weeding out process. Your job is to do what you need to do to get an on-site interview. This is not the time for you to decide whether or not you want the job. This interview is usually a non technical interview by someone in HR. It would behoove you to use some people skills and NEVER be condescending to the person on the other side of the phone. The reason I say this because you would be surprised how often this happens. Just because you were a CFO doesn’t impress the person who is going to decide your fate for an on-sight interview.
A couple of brief tips:
1) Make sure you have a scheduled time for the call.
2) Never use your cell phone.
3) Be as prepared as if it was an on-site interview.
4) Since you can’t see the client’s reaction keep your answers short and to the point. You can elaborate but that’s if they want you to.
5) Don’t talk too much.
6) This is not the time nor place to be discussing salary.
I will be coming out soon with a video dedicated to the phone screen but for know you can get some prep advice here.