It’s reality and most of us have acknowledged and accepted the fact.  Today, no job is really so safe that we can let our guard down.  That’s not to say that you should develop a paranoia about your current job, should you be so fortunate to have one.  However, you should always be prepared, if ever the need surfaces.

It’s sort of like having auto insurance.  We don’t hope to ever need it, but yet it is important and necessary to have it should that need ever rise.

Part of the reason we are in such an economic mess is due to lack of preparedness and lack of facing brutal reality.  Many of us purchased homes based on our existing income levels, which made sense.  Why not, right?  I mean, if we could afford it, why not purchase it?  Then the economy tanks and we lose an income base and can no longer afford that home… or car… or boat… or cottage, etc.

I am not suggesting that simply being prepared for a job hunt would solve such an atrocity.  However, being prepared can put you at the front of the enormous pack of job seekers and minimize the time frame of being without a job.  For many, it can literally be the difference in keeping your home or losing your home.

Our blog highlights many of the ways you can keep yourselves prepared if a job loss occurs.  We also have a book coming soon that can help you follow a very simple, and easy to understand road map to being prepared in the newly evolved landscape of the job hunt!  If you want more information about this book, please visit  You can get a peak at the book’s table of contents as well as pre-order the book at a significant discount.

Also, for thos wondering how safe their job really is?  Take the “How Safe Is Your Job?” Quiz located at