Is it me or does it seem that every generation takes things a little less serious than the last?  You keep hearing about the World War II generation as being the best generation there ever was.  I’m one not to argue with that but what I can say is that over the past few years I have seen some crazy stuff.  People not showing up for job interviews without giving notice and then not returning calls.  I have seen this age group call 2 hours before an interview and cancel because their car was “over worked” the day before.  Do they even know what work is?  Then the excuse turns into something else all together after you suggest they take a cab.  I can tell you one thing, if my son or daughter ever does something like that man watch out.

Who is teaching these kids to do things like that?  I would hope colleges today haven’t gone to the left on manners and etiquette like they have with everything else, but its really not their job is it?  I mean you expect colleges to get their students ready for the interviewing process, but I believe things like this should have been taught in the home.

Allow me to give a bit of advice and that is when you make an appointment you honor that appointment.  I mean like its cast in concrete.  You do not cancel an interview on the fly especially when a recruiter got you that interview.  Listen if you want to hurt you reputation go ahead but don’t burn a bridge with a recruiter.  The last thing you want to do is to hurt the relationship between the recruiter and their client.  After all it was the recruiter that got you the interview at no cost to you.   Remember one thing, after being in this business and meeting hundreds of recruiters you don’t want to piss them off.  If you think they’ll forget you then I have some land to sell you.

Keep in mind that good news travels fast but bad news travels at warp speed!