Who is representing you with your job search?  The landscape of many large, well known search firms have gone through some major changes due to the economy.  Search firms have been hit hard and more recruiters have lost their jobs more than any other time.  Recruiters who have been successful for years are no longer around.  In this down market recruiting firms have decided to cut back instead of trying to spend their way out of the problem.  That does seem to be an action that is not only prudent, intelligent, responsible, and something that requires common sense, but what do I know?  They then hire low draw or commission only people and allow them to work the existing database.  The only problem with this tactic is  the new people they hire are learning how to be a recruiter in one of the most difficult times to date!  All I can say is good luck with that.

Tim Peters started with me 10 years ago and he is someone who really did fall off the boat!  Tim, a Merchant Marine working for a division of Hess Gas as Chief Officer, wanted a change.  I knew Tim for about 2 years prior and knew that he would succeed as a recruiter because succeeding was something that he only knew.  Days of being out to sea were wearing on Tim and he had the confidence to do what ever it took to succeed.  Tim works in Connecticut and handles many different verticals and has built some strong relationships.

Bryant Madore has also been with me for 10 years and he worked as a training supervisor for Payless Shoe Source before jumping into the recruiting world.  Bryant has a strong work ethic and he works out of North Carolina.  He enjoys working on the really hard to fill positions and seems to always fill them regardless to where the job and he knows how to get the job done.

That being said there are still jobs out there to be had.  We have seen an increase in activity and expect it to continue.   So before thinking the way to land your next opportunity is to call one of the large staffing firms think again.  Do your homework by checking out who you will be working with and how long they have personally been in the search business.