Entertaining, empowering, no BS answers to your questions based on 22 years of working with hiring authorities. You’ll find them addicting – many of the same people attend whether they have questions or not. Recording always provided. Register at www.AskFindthePerfectJob.com
Thank you for providing the Q&A sessions and the recording. This was my second Q & A teleseminar with you. I asked you a question about some things you can say to a first time contact at a networking meeting, which you answered and provided some examples of how one could bring up something in a conversation with a first-time contact that the other party might find interesting (if not useful). It was a helpful answer and also told me I’d better start networking now to avoid finding myself in the same position again down the road. Thanks for your passion.
—Ed B.
Judi Perkins
The How-To Career Coach