“Stupid is what stupid does!” That’s a quote that is spot on. This blog is about the things we have seen over the years that will make you scratch your head. The things people do you can’t possibly think up!
What do you think about a job candidate showing up to an interview in green suede shoes? Was he colored blind and thought he was wearing his blue suede shoes?
A job candidate came to my office for an interview and was wearing so much perfume that one of my recruiters had an asthma attack.
A man with more hair coming out of his ears than I have on my head. I know your thinking that’s not that much! Make sure you read this before any interviews and especially number 3!
A client reneging on an offer to a job candidate because the candidate misspelled 12 words on his thank you letter.
A man who’s suit was covered with cat hair. Not just a few either, I mean COVERED.
Candidates (many) who have been extremely rude to the receptionist before an interview. Lots of times HR and hiring managers will ask a receptionist on what their first impression was.
An accountant who could not fill out an application because they could not write! REALLY!
A job candidate not willing to fill out our online application because the “Internet World” would have access to it. He has been unemployed for over a year.
A job candidate canceling an interview with a company because he used his car too much the day before and didn’t want to take a chance on driving it two days in a row.
Someone pretending to be their last boss so they would have a good reference.
A job candidate flying to another state to do an interview and showing up in flip flops.
These are just a few examples of some of the things I can recall off the top of my head of stupid things people do. We would really like to know what are some of the things that you have seen over the years.