The biggest mistake sales people make is how they sell. The art of selling is to be selling unbeknowst to the buyer. You know the guy’s who don’t get it. Just walk into any furniture store and the hawks start circling you the second you walk in. I myself immediately tell them to back down and step away from the prey and that I’m just here looking. Damn Jimmy back off! Don’t any of these guys get trained on how to attract someone versus pushing people away?
The best salesperson is the one who isn’t selling and is the one that everyone wants around. You know what I mean, he’s not the guy at the party trying to sell you world class vitamins after every time he pees. The color of yellow must remind him that it’s time to land some green Benjamin’s. Me, I do the opposite to attract. When I meet someone who owns a company or someone who is in a position to hire people and they ask me what I do, I tell them that I own an executive search firm and that’s all I say. Why? Because they are expecting me to try to sell them on using my company to hire new talent. I avoid it like the plague. After they realize that I’m not a hawk and that I’m somewhat normal (and I use that loosely) they tend to trust me and if they do have a need they will approach me. Then I still back off, I don’t all of a sudden act like a hyena coming in for scraps. I act very “Cool hand Luke” about it and I am more concerned with how I can help them versus how the dollars are going to help me.
You too, on an interview, could be pushing hiring managers away by what you’re saying and how you come across. Instead of pushing people away why don’t you trying pulling them towards you? Now there’s an Earth shattering thought! How can I do that? Simple, it’s all about perception. Perception is reality and you need to understand that statement. People want what they can’t have and many of you are way to easy to get!
We all know that it is better to interview for a new job when you already have a job. Why is that? Because in that scenario you do not appear to be desperate because you have options. Without options, hiring managers know that you are not getting paid and therefore gives them the upper hand. There is nothing you can say to deny that dynamic. There are things that you can say to change that “perception” , like stating that you are interviewing at other companies and that you do have things going on.
Never tell a hiring manager or an HR person that you have nothing going on! Don’t say something stupid like “The market is terrible and I hope it changes soon so Daddy can get his lights turned on”. They can see that you have been out of work for 3 years but you can change their perception by your attitude and by what you say to them. They cannot read your mind and remaining positive would be the route I would choose. Try saying something like “well it has been slow for a long time but as of lately I have been getting a lot of calls for interviews. It’s good to see that things are starting to come back”. Keep in mind that when you tell me that you have nothing going on rest assured I’m in no hurry to hire you! In fact I am going to keep on looking until I can find another you for less money. And why not since I have you on the back burner staying “warm”, while I continue the search.
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