What is a counteroffer?
Accepting an offer from one company and using that offer to get more money from you current employer to stay.
I never understood anyone who would take a counteroffer. What does that say about that person? Can’t be right in the head can they?
What you are basically doing is letting one company down who is excited about you coming on board and putting your current company on notice. If your a critical component to that business then it’s like putting a gun to someones head. If you are doing this to get more money to stay then how long will you be there?
Being an employer I know that it’s cheaper for me to offer someone more money to stay so that it doesn’t cost me more to replace that person; however, I will be immediately looking to replace that person. I find that candidates who do take a counteroffer are usually out of a job in 4 to 6 months. In this economy probably much quicker!
Some good advice: If your unhappy and you decided to start to look for a new opportunity then make that commitment to leave where you currently are and NEVER leave until you have another job! Another good reason not to take a counteroffer is that you end up hurting all the other applicants in the process.
Get our 11 reason why you should not take a counteroffer at our job seeking tips.