It seems like everyone has an opinion today about everything. Democrat, Republican, male, female, white, black, tall, short, skinny, fat, old, young, educated, non educated, white collar, blue collar, recruiter, career coach, Christian, Muslim, your house my house, white wine, red wine the list is long! I myself tend to be open to everyone’s opinion and then I try to think things through. If the advice that I am getting comes from an expert in a particular field, then that carries much more weight than someone who is not. You know the saying that “experience is the best teacher”. The second part of that is as long as it’s someone else’s experiences. You know just because you had a bad meal at a restaurant doesn’t mean that all restaurants have bad food. Things tend to “sound good” but to me is it “good and sound”.
Today the number one talk is about Jobs. How do you keep one and if you don’t have one how can you get one?
There are many tools that can help you with your job search. Resume Boards such as, and can help but very few people will get clicked on. I personally only have one problem with these resume boards and that is that your information can be pirated. Executive Search Firms like mine can help but you have to understand that we can only help a select few. Not everyone that we meet with can we help due to the nature of our business. If you’re a nurse then you would want to connect with a search firm that specializes in that vertical. Career Coaches have helped people but with this option it requires the Job Candidate to pay a fee upfront for assistance. A new site that I am currently working on with some really bright people called will help Job Seekers with their search. This site, when combined with other networking sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook should be an effective tool. All of these avenues can work for you and you should try them all.
The key is to be prepared, have your ducks in a row and never give up trying. So when someone suggest to you that one of these options are better than the other, perhaps for them they are right but it depends on which will work best for you.