For both genders, anxiety before the interview may be present, but studies show that women handle it better. Women adapt more proactively than men do. Women seek social support from […]
Conventional or Behavior-Based Interviewing?
A job interview has been scheduled for you, but do you know what types of questions you’ll have to answer? This is the dilemma most candidates face. Don’t panic. You […]
3 Basics of Expat Tax Laws That You Must Keep In Mind
Working in some other country when you’re an American citizen can be a tricky situation, especially when it comes to the making tax payment in a foreign land. Well no […]
The Interview Focus Is on Future, Not Past
Until about 1990, the conventional thinking was that if you did your job satisfactorily, you would keep it for many years to come. Several of my friends were AT&T employees […]
How to Ensure That Your Resume-Writing Guarantees You a Job
It is a mad rat race for landing the handful of the most coveted jobs available in the market and you will need to ensure that your resume does half […]
Interviewing is a Two-Way Street
So many of us focus so intently on preparing to answer interview questions that we often neglect to prepare a strong set of questions for the interviewer. This is a […]
Are You Nervous before the Job Interview?
Most people are nervous before a job interview. And that’s normal. A job interview is nothing less than an oral exam. In most cases, it is very important because the […]
Is the Employer Always Right?
In this new, chaotic, and uncertain century, with its more and more minutely specialized occupations and skill sets and with nothing to do with the faltering economy, it’s not only […]
Are You Really Good at Job Interviewing?
Job interviewing is an act. Yes, you are the actor, and both sides know the rules: You, who are one of the candidates for the position, are doing your best […]
How to Sell Yourself in a Job Interview
So, finally the phone rings and the caller ID displays the name of a company you sent your résumé to. The caller is from the company’s human resources department and […]