With employers getting smarter, your resume should not just be about impressing the hiring manager. You resume should be such that a computer can also read it. This is the […]
Communication While in Transition
Disclaimer: My professional background is not in the field of communication, but I still have some opinions. Certainly, the cliché “It’s not what you know but whom you know” is […]
Are You Looking for a Job? or Are You [Properly] Competing for One?
At times, I am amazed at people in transition who approach the job search the way we used to in the past. Looking for a job nowadays puts job seekers […]
Do You Know Whom to Network With?
By far the most effective way of getting a new job is by networking. When making presentations to large groups, I often test that tenet, and invariably it proves to […]
The Job Interview—Morphed into Something Else
Not too long ago, much-respected blogger Tim Tyrell-Smith of Tim’s Strategy conducted a survey, clearly finding that interviewers’ number one concern is “fit with the company’s culture.” From other articles […]
How to Deal with Your Stress While in Transition
Physicians and psychiatrists have proved that there is a positive correlation between stress and illness. People in transition experience various and variable levels of stress. And such stress is not […]
Can’t Find a Job? Do You Know Why?
Growth, evolution, changes. Technology may be a wonderful thing, but it has negative elements—especially if you’re in transition and looking for a job. Why? Perhaps you don’t know how to […]
America, the Land of Marketing and Selling
Every morning when I get to my computer, I’m amazed at how many companies have targeted me as someone in need of their products or services. I take it in […]
How to Benefit from the Positive Job Market Outlook
Based on a recent survey by economists, the job market outlook is projecting steady growth in employment. Recruiting consultant CareerXroads reports that new companies find 28 percent of their hires […]
The Art and Science of the Face-to-Face Interview
Consider yourself very lucky for being considered for a face-to-face interview. It just means that you survived the first phase of the competition; your résumé projected you as someone deserving […]