One of the most basic rules in economics deals with supply and demand. Today’s job market certainly has a significant supply: 13.9 million people looking for jobs. But demand has […]
How to Turn Networking into Interviews
People in transition know that 60 to 80 percent of job seekers get their next positions through networking. Consequently and whenever possible, they focus their daily activities on such networking. […]
It is the resume that is holding you back
Could this be? After all it worked in past and others who helped you with it made significant improvements. Despite that, vis a vis other outstanding resumes it pales and […]
A friendlier Twitter for job seekers
Still wary of entering the Twitterverse? Don’t be. It’s time to overcome your Twitter aversion, banish all doubt and make your triumphant entrance on what is THE world stage for […]
H1B’s and Non-Green Card Holders Wanted
Have you ever seen “H1B’s and Non-Green Card holders wanted” in an ad? I have not but what I have seen is the opposite being stated. What I usually see […]
Interview with the PC: What’s Next?
You want a job? Prepare to become an actor on camera. Companies are expanding their screening out by using webcam technology
Job Search: What Changed?
The job-search arena has changed. The new technology makes job search more sophisticated and difficult. Think social media, video interview different type of resumes and more.
Protect your resume
As a job candidate you need to make sure that no one is sending your resume to a company without your permission! That means your recruiter needs to tell you […]
Rejection in the Job Search is Like Rejection in Dating
Rejection in The Job Search is Like Rejection in Dating
Annoying People Don't Get Hired
Annoying People Don\’t Get Hired!