Still wary of entering the Twitterverse?
Don’t be. It’s time to overcome your Twitter aversion, banish all doubt and make your triumphant entrance on what is THE world stage for up-to-the-minute information sharing.
And by “sharing” I don’t mean what you had for breakfast today. That’s old school: a myth still occasionally circulated by people on Q&A sites such as LinkedIn’s. You know who I mean: the folks who smugly answer every query posted about Twitter’s usefulness to them with a variation of “It’s just a lot of noise.” Ignore those naysayers. They know not of what they speak.
First impressions can be deceptive
That Twitter is so widely misunderstood — though it boasts 200-million or so registered members worldwide, it actually has few active users — is due to its ongoing struggle to more clearly define and position itself. And, as job seekers, and aspiring masters of reinvention ourselves, I think most of us can relate. I know I can.
What’s the point, you might ask, of trying to draw the attention of potential employers when your tweets will vanish in a millisecond? You’re right: there is none. It’s like shouting your name down a well.
Which brings me to Twitter’s new incarnation as a media platform. By finally recognizing what it does best, serving as a search engine and discovery tool, Twitter has taken positive steps to make itself more transparent and a lot friendlier. With that comes a fresh, new opener — “Follow your interests” — and an easy-to-use Search homepage.
How does that help your job search?
Now you can zero in on the all-important task of finding job postings without battling the pitchy seas of irrelevant tweets that make for such a quease-inducing experience many first-time users vow never to return. So enough with the “Nevers.” Today’s the day to start your voyage of discovery by entering the keywords on Twitter’s straightforward new homepage that might well lead you to your next job.
Wishing you bon voyage!
— Judy Margolis
Twitter Search