Are you one of the lucky ones that are still gainfully employed? Does your boss keep telling you how lucky you are?
More and more people that we talk to are really unhappy with how they are being treated in the work place. Attitudes have really gone haywire when it comes to management. Work loads have increased to a point that people are not putting in 40, 50, 60, hours a week but 100 hours and that’s not even good enough. Employees have already given up bonuses, pay cuts, mandatory vacation with no pay, slashes in benefits and having to pay their own expenses! Not even a thank you but what employees are hearing more and more is “well just be glad you have a job”.
I personally think that too many are using this economy to take full advantage of people. With all of this bail out going on I believe that some companies have bailed out on respect for others. I believe that if you’re in a managerial type of a role and you’re abusing your staff then the word idiot would apply. What goes around comes around friend and when this market changes and it will, watch out! Not only will your company have to re-staff but you as well will probably get “CANNED” and when you do what references will you have?
You know the deal with kids being bullied in school and how some schools have a policy that you can’t even touch another student. They no longer allow hugging in school so they “shadow hug” and the “high five” is now the “air five”. These same kids that are the bullies must grow up to be bad bosses and instead of the “time out” perhaps they should have gotten a “knock out”. Now I’m not saying that you should knock out your boss but what I am saying is make sure you have your ducks in a row and get ready for the turn around.
Have you been to any of the book stores lately? Instead of books like “Love’em or Lose’em Getting good people to stay” you can now read the “Idiot’s guide on how to fully abuse your employees”. My favorite book not yet a bestseller has to be “How to be a bigger asshole with coffee breath!”
You can understand why I haven’t worked for someone for a very long time. I have zero patients for people who think they’re above others. My last job ended by me telling my boss that if he wanted to be above people perhaps standing around at cemetery should suffice.
If you are one of the few who happens to have a great boss then lets hear about him or her. What are they doing to make the current situation better for those they work with and manage? Do they have a positive attitude that perhaps allows you to be more productive and to help those around you? I believe a good employee is a happy employee and a good boss does not boss.
We will all get through this and will be better for it so relax and put a smile on your face because better days are coming!