You can always tell the true character of someone when the chips are down. When things in life aren’t going as planned, true character is like cream rising to the top. Perhaps some things in life may make you act a little crazy or when something dramatic happens like when you review the x-rays and things don’t look good, but when it comes to finding a job, your actions may be hurting you.
Have you ever walked into a car dealership and the androids come at you like flies on a turd? Does their aggressive approach make you feel like buying or running?
Are you the person who left 17 voice-mail messages to the HR person that you met with or the 34 email messages to the hiring manager just to say “I’m just following up”?
I know you need to be persistent but calling everyone in a company to get feedback on your resume really does make you an idiot. I see it more and more practically every day. I have hiring managers and HR personnel telling these stories like they’re growing on trees. I know this has to be because of the economy and with more people looking for jobs people are getting desperate, but don’t be this guy.
You just might be pushing that job away. Remember to be like a duck on water! They can’t see how strong you’re peddling underneath the water but from the view up top you look calm.