If you have been following JTL Services, Inc.’s online presence through our jobadviceblog site, then you may have noticed a few changes. The biggest change is the addition of our Millennial Corner, a section of our blog that highlights and discusses many aspects of the millennial generation entering the job world and interacting with those already firmly entrenched in it. To these young people, the working world is a strange and mysterious place, one that no longer operates under the same set of rules that they grew up adhering to. We at JTL Services know that this new generation of workers is vastly different from anything the job world has seen, and we are well equipped to handle this incoming tidal wave.
Recently, a millennial has joined our ranks as a project manager at JTL. Nick LeFevre offers his own expertise through his blogging abilities, taking complete control over Millennial Corner and putting out great content directed towards common issues for millennials. He is able to analyze situations that occur within the job world through the critical eye of a young person with unique experience in the recruiting and staffing industry. Nick has been around the recruiting world his entire life and has grown up hearing the latest stories of the day. He offers a resume editing service, through which he provides top-of-the-line resume assistance for anyone who requires it. Nick’s parents own JTL Services, Inc. and he has spent his summers focusing on recruiting top talent and helping candidates reconstruct their resumes. With only a few classes left before graduating from NC State University, he wanted to start his professional career and get more involved with the client-end of the business. Nick’s LinkedIn profile is actively accepting new connects. We wish him luck for the future and are excited to see where his talents will take him within our company!