If you have been following JTL Services, Inc.’s online presence through our jobadviceblog site, then you may have noticed a few changes. The biggest change is the addition of our […]
Eye-Catching Resumes
Let me start by saying that unless you’re applying for a graphic designing job, making your resume look fancy ensures that the only thing catching your resume will be the […]
A guaranteed tactic to ensure that your resume will not be looked at!
I see it all the time and wonder if some people are totally clueless when it comes to putting a resume together. Possibly they have been at one job for […]
5 Tips for Writing a Compelling Digital Resume
With employers getting smarter, your resume should not just be about impressing the hiring manager. You resume should be such that a computer can also read it. This is the […]
3 Basics of Expat Tax Laws That You Must Keep In Mind
Working in some other country when you’re an American citizen can be a tricky situation, especially when it comes to the making tax payment in a foreign land. Well no […]
How to Ensure That Your Resume-Writing Guarantees You a Job
It is a mad rat race for landing the handful of the most coveted jobs available in the market and you will need to ensure that your resume does half […]
Election Correction
Here we are again at the end of another summer. Kids are getting ready to head back to school as you change your alarms to accommodate to the new cycle. […]
If unemployed, hiring managers will like this!
If you have been unemployed for some time now or a recent victim to this economy, there is one thing that you can do to keep your resume current. Instead […]
More help for Job Candidates
JTL Services, Inc. today announced a new division that is going to assist job candidates in their search efforts. To be considered for this program candidates must be qualified. Submit […]
Jobs Jobs and more Jobs!
JTL Services, Inc. has been getting hammered with new jobs so far this year. If you or someone you know is looking for a new position, I will list a […]