Prepare to be interrogated

Are you ready for your closeup? Do you understand STAR power? Yes, I’m talking about behavior-based interviews, my all-time personal bane as a job seeker and maybe yours, too. These […]

Don't Give in to the Desire to Confide

If you’ve ever been in a bad job situation, you have no desire to repeat it.  And that’s understandable. However, you don’t want to ever, ever—and I mean NEVER—discuss it […]

Don't be SHY in a Job Interview!

Many people get very self-conscious when asked in an interview about their greatest strengths.  But if you were an interviewer, and were trying to decide between a host of qualified, […]

#1 Way to KILL a Phone Interview

Typically the topic of verbal crutches is something that people are coached on when they are improving their group presentation skills.  Verbal crutches are those little “connector” words that all […]
