In this new, chaotic, and uncertain century, with its more and more minutely specialized occupations and skill sets and with nothing to do with the faltering economy, it’s not only […]
Are You Really Good at Job Interviewing?
Job interviewing is an act. Yes, you are the actor, and both sides know the rules: You, who are one of the candidates for the position, are doing your best […]
How to Shorten Your Job Search
People in transition know that finding a new, suitable job is a process—and most often, an unpleasant and lengthy one. While this is true in most cases, it doesn’t have […]
Employers Hire the Best: Is That You?
No employer is seeking to hire Mr. Average. All employers seek the exceptional and the very best. But how do you convince them that you are the ideal candidate? And […]
Too Old to Be Hired?
The law says employers are not permitted to discriminate because they deem someone too old, yet employers do so every single day. How can they get away with it? The […]
How Hiring Decisions Are Made
Years ago, I had a large office in the Wall Street area with a personal secretary screening my phone calls, opening mail, taking dictation, and managing my calendar. Since then […]
Can YOU Control the Interview?
Think what the interview is all about. Sorry, but it’s not about you. It’s about the interviewer’s perception regarding your fit into the organization’s culture combined with your ability to […]
The Elevator Pitch Checklist
A recent article of mine covered most people’s lack of efficacy in practicing their elevator pitches at job search networking meetings. I wanted to follow up on that and prove […]
Is Your Elevator Pitch Working?
I frequent job search networking groups where people stand up and recite what’s called the elevator pitch. Ideally, people are supposed to be able to concisely sum up unique professional […]
Confidence: feel it, fake it, or………..flub it
This confidence game isn’t the same as the scam. This one applies to those who have been hunting with no results and are becoming discouraged. Rapidly. Let’s go back to […]