Think what the interview is all about. Sorry, but it’s not about you. It’s about the interviewer’s perception regarding your fit into the organization’s culture combined with your ability to […]
Dating Timeline and the Hiring Timeline
The more clients I coach through the job search and interview process, the easier it is for me to draw parallels between dating and hiring someone for a job. For […]
Cover Letters Are a Pain–Do I Really Need One?
Cover letters can be such a pain in the neck to write—it’s OK to just skip it isn’t it? Does the hiring manager or HR department REALLY read them? As […]
What Might Have Gone Wrong in the Interview
Don’t you wish you knew why you didn’t get that job? You worked so hard on your resume, got through the phone interview and was called in for the in […]
Jobsearching from the Company/Recruiter's Point of View
Have you noticed…there’s a TON of career advice out there and it can be confusing as all get out to figure out the right thing to do? The first thing […]