Since the hiring manager does not know you it behooves you to make every effort to impress him. Here is how.
While in Transition, Are You Keeping Pace with Technology?
Technology is evolving fast. Are you keeping pace? At the very least stay on top of social media.
Career strategies: 5 questions 4 action items
Career planning is challenging. It can be very difficult to figure out what you want to do. There are so many choices, and a wrong turn can really set you […]
Why Don’t You Understand Your Compensation?
Get help for the most important – $$$ in your salary negotiation. Understand the entire compensation package and not only the salary.
Prepare to be interrogated
Are you ready for your closeup? Do you understand STAR power? Yes, I’m talking about behavior-based interviews, my all-time personal bane as a job seeker and maybe yours, too. These […]
Five things you should not cover in your cover
I have spent a considerable amount of time writing about how to structure an effective cover letter and the things you want to include therein. What I haven’t told you […]
Don’t Be Fooled by the Job Description
Job Descriptions are often poorly written and misleading. When interviewing try to find out from the hiring manager what are his pressing issues and focus on how you can solve his problems
Negotiate THIS!
Negotiating is an art, no doubt. Done correctly it will lead to victory. Done poorly it could lead to failure. When it comes to negotiating salary and other benefits in […]
2010 is dawning: Shave years off your life
Your New Year’s resolution Don’ts When it comes to defending against ageism in the workplace—in particular, inviting unwanted attention to your possibly advanced years—here are some resolutions you can make […]
Knowing when a recruiter's just blowin' smoke
Whenever we start to get desperate, we job seekers often dig ourselves ever deeper into the trench of despond. Then the phone unexpectedly rings and a friendly, chipper voice on […]