We’ve recently seen an increasing trend in today’s popular media: the rise of the so-called “crazy socks.” With the tech giants in Silicon Valley taking a more laid back approach to formal-wear (looking at you, Zuckerberg), people seem to think that there’s no better way to round off a well-fitting suit than a pair of socks featuring a design ripped straight off your great aunt’s Persian rug. Even just watching TV, you can’t escape it. Guests on talk shows of all sorts can be seen taking advantage of this fashion trend, and it has started to rub off on young people searching for jobs.
The idea behind wearing these trendy socks is to try to create an air of success; the thought that if you copy what the rich and famous are doing, then you will also one day become rich and famous. That thought process is all well and good; in fact it is what drives the “American Dream”. However, when people apply this line of reasoning to a job interview, nothing could be further from the truth.
If a candidate walks into an interview, the first thing that always runs through the mind of the interviewer is how the candidate presents himself. How is his posture? His hair? Is every piece of his suit well put-together? I would hazard a guess that if the candidate is wearing a pair of crazy socks, then the last question is not answered satisfactorily. A professional-looking suit does not go well with green and black socks with a zig-zag pattern interwoven on them. First impressions carry a lot of weight in all aspects of life, and job interviews are no exception. For more interviewing tips or to be considered for a position, visit JTL Services, Inc.