Here we are again at the end of another summer. Kids are getting ready to head back to school as you change your alarms to accommodate to the new cycle. […]
How to Shorten Your Job Search
People in transition know that finding a new, suitable job is a process—and most often, an unpleasant and lengthy one. While this is true in most cases, it doesn’t have […]
Job Interview Tips for Mature People
To start with, here are some statistics: Only 28% of workers 55 and older find jobs within one year versus 71% of those aged 25 to 35, reports Career Builder. […]
Are You an Effective Job Search Networker?
Loads of people network during their job search, but very few are effective at such networking. Certainly, some are better at it than others, but in general, the majority of […]
Employers Hire the Best: Is That You?
No employer is seeking to hire Mr. Average. All employers seek the exceptional and the very best. But how do you convince them that you are the ideal candidate? And […]
Too Old to Be Hired?
The law says employers are not permitted to discriminate because they deem someone too old, yet employers do so every single day. How can they get away with it? The […]
In Transition: So What’s Your Brand?
More than ever, when you are in transition you should have a brand. Why? you ask. Because that is how you differentiate yourself and stand out from the proverbial crowd. […]
Are You Media Social?
Many people don’t realize how different the job search of today is from the job search of not even a few years ago. Many others find it difficult to learn […]
How Hiring Decisions Are Made
Years ago, I had a large office in the Wall Street area with a personal secretary screening my phone calls, opening mail, taking dictation, and managing my calendar. Since then […]
Can YOU Control the Interview?
Think what the interview is all about. Sorry, but it’s not about you. It’s about the interviewer’s perception regarding your fit into the organization’s culture combined with your ability to […]