Feeling anxious about your upcoming interview? Don’t spend your time contemplating how it might go. Make sure you are prepared. The following information will allow you to put your best […]
how to make your resume sell
The most problematic part of a resume for people seems to be crafting their accomplishments. The confusion between an accomplishment and a responsibility is the difference between generating excitement by […]
Apply for What You're Qualified For
We all know that the job search is really, really tough, and you deserve every break you can get. Don’t inadvertently make it tougher on yourself by applying for jobs […]
Annoying People Don't Get Hired
I love it when conversations with my HR Director friend Lauren start with: “You’ve GOT to write about this.” I know it’ll be a juicy example. Here’s the situation. Lauren’s […]
Tattoos, Piercings–Do They REALLY Cause You to Lose Job Opportunities?
Several years ago I spoke in front of a college audience and got what has since proven to be one of the most interesting questions I’ve had as a speaker—Tattoos. […]
why resume blasting services don't work
Resume distribution services draw a lot of attention from job seekers. They’re seductive, aren’t they? Only fifty bucks to reach thousands and thousands of recruiters and employers! How can you miss? […]
The importance of being customer focused
I am sure you are looking at the title of this post and wondering why a career expert is writing about customer service. Well, there are two reasons; the first […]
5 Things You MUST Do Before a Job Interview
So you just found out that you have a job interview tomorrow and unfortunately procrastination is a weaknesses you haven’t yet conquered. Here are the down and dirty tips to […]
4 Things That Can Completely Derail a Job Interview
Everyone knows (or should know) the big things that can cause an interview to completely tank. However, there’s also some smaller little things that interviewees do that give interviewers an […]
#1 Way to KILL a Phone Interview
Typically the topic of verbal crutches is something that people are coached on when they are improving their group presentation skills. Verbal crutches are those little “connector” words that all […]