If Interviewing was this easy!

Jan 19th President Obama spoke to a class of 6th graders in Falls Church, VA using two teleprompters.   Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to interview with the answers […]

Can you read the interviewer’s mind?

The most important issue in the hiring manager’s mind is whether you fit in his organization. This is what he has to “live” with. Skills are important, of course, as well as your commitment to the job. Real commitment.

Negotiate THIS!

Negotiating is an art, no doubt. Done correctly it will lead to victory. Done poorly it could lead to failure. When it comes to negotiating salary and other benefits in […]

Dress Attire 101 for Job Interviews

When it comes to interviewing and making that first impression, investing in your dress attire can and will give you an edge. Think about how much money you just spent […]
