One of the frequent reasons a new client seeks me out is because they’re getting interviews, but no offers. The primary problem is always that the seeker has very little […]
If Interviewing was this easy!
Jan 19th President Obama spoke to a class of 6th graders in Falls Church, VA using two teleprompters. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to interview with the answers […]
Can you read the interviewer’s mind?
The most important issue in the hiring manager’s mind is whether you fit in his organization. This is what he has to “live” with. Skills are important, of course, as well as your commitment to the job. Real commitment.
Discussing Overcoming Obstacles in a Job Interview
This is part two of my TODAY method of preparing for job interviews–discussing obstacles you’ve Overcome. This can seem daunting, but don’t be intimidated because you haven’t climbed Mt. Everest […]
Talking About Duties Of Your Past Positions in a Job Interview
It seems like this should be the easiest one in the world to discuss in an interview, but it’s the one that most interviewees don’t do well. These days many […]
Dating Timeline and the Hiring Timeline
The more clients I coach through the job search and interview process, the easier it is for me to draw parallels between dating and hiring someone for a job. For […]
Is Age Discrimination an Issue in Job Search?
interview, search engines, job seekers, job seeker, career coach, career coaching, resume, discrimination
Interview answers must be short. Know why?
I’m not sure whether you’re like me. I’ve stopped reading! I read no more. I skim and browse and hover over the surface of words, and when I find something […]
Negotiate THIS!
Negotiating is an art, no doubt. Done correctly it will lead to victory. Done poorly it could lead to failure. When it comes to negotiating salary and other benefits in […]
Dress Attire 101 for Job Interviews
When it comes to interviewing and making that first impression, investing in your dress attire can and will give you an edge. Think about how much money you just spent […]