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What is your Post-Interview follow-up strategy?
For some reason, job candidates often over-think and over-analyze their post-interview follow-up strategy. Regardless of the type of interview (e.g., phone interview, panel interview, HR interview, etc.), a thank you […]
what to do with a bad interviewer
The only thing that might be more difficult to deal with than an interviewer who asks tough, probing questions is an interviewer who hasn’t a clue how to interview. You […]
Evaluating Job Offers
At some point, each one of you will have the opportunity to evaluate a job offer. It will be a blissful, exciting and nerve racking day. You’ll get the call […]
How to Introduce Yourself at Parties
I momentarily thought about titling this article “Constructing Your Elevator Speech”, but I’ve heard that term so many times I could just scream. What everyone really wants to know is […]
Avoid Being a Networking Jerk
A few months ago I was scheduled to speak at an event in Stamford, CT. The organizer sent an email to the group discussing my credentials and that I would […]
Five things you should not cover in your cover
I have spent a considerable amount of time writing about how to structure an effective cover letter and the things you want to include therein. What I haven’t told you […]
In Transition? Confused? What’s Next?
Your chances to re-gain employment will improve most significantly if you have a well thought out strategy, plan and execution. It takes hard work and commitment. Short of that you are wasting time and enjoy living in a world of illusion.
Your Resume: Your Marketing and Sales Pitch
Have you ever walked into a retail store with the intention of ‘just browsing’? Really, you do not need anything; you are just window shopping, passing the time. Suddenly, a […]
Help on finding a Job? Here it is!
Today more than ever, finding a job is harder than you think. Finding the right information about the “HOW TO’s” is even harder. My question to you is how do […]